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Ke Go Lake – Ha Tinh
Ke Go Lake is located in the area of 3 districts of Ha Tinh province, namely Cam Xuyen, Ky Anh and Huong Khe. This man-made lake is part of Ke Go Nature Reserve. The nature reserve is completely surrounded by forest with precious species of flora as well as rare and endangered species of fauna
Ke Go Lake is the largest of its kind in the central region of Vietnam. This beautiful artificial lake is surrounded by hills and mountains. It took four years to build the 30km long lake, the main dam and the ten auxiliary dams.
The lake is a large irrigation work with the water volume of 350 million cubic meters, sufficient for supplying 17,000 hectares of rice in Ha Tinh province as well as the north central region of Vietnam.
Ke Go Lake is also an abundant source of food for the neighboring areas. The fish and shrimps from the lake are very tasty and can reach impressive sizes.
The lake is an attractive destination, an ideal weekend gateway where people can go swimming, fishing or hiking.
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